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Latest Facebook Intros


My life motto is ‘Do my best so that I can’t blame myself for anything.

Naturally and artificially flavored.
Of course I’m high maintenance. I pay for everything I own.
There is no competition because nobody can be me.
They ain’t make me what I am, they just found me like this.
They talk. I live. Who cares what they say?
This is who I am. Nobody said you had to like it.
WARNING: I have an attitude and I know how to use it!
What I’m looking for is not out there, it is in me.
When I accept myself… I am freed from the burden of needing you to accept me.
Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man’s doing but my own. I am the force.
Why look up at the stars when the biggest star is me.
Yes I am weird, weird is good. Normal is overrated.
You all laugh at me because I’m different, I laugh at you because you’re all the same.

Best Bio for Facebook

Absolutely awkward, proudest of nerd and geek, decreaser of world sucking.
Adding you as my friend doesn’t mean I like you, I did it just to increase my friend list.
All I got is dreams. Nobody else believes. Nobody else can see. Nobody else but me.
Being this fabulous is a full-time job.
Born to express, not to impress.
Delete me, Poke me, Like me, Limit me … The choice is yours … Welcome to Facebook, where no one is really your friend.
Do not judge me before you know me, but just to inform you, you won’t like me.
Don’t judge me until you know me. Don’t underestimate me until you challenge me.
Don’t play with me! Because I know I can play better than you.
Everyone has weaknesses, but I’m not everyone.
Facebook is kind of like a prison. You spend all day staring at walls and getting poked by people you don’t know.
Hi there. I joined Facebook. Happy now?
I am a rare species, not a stereotype.

I am blessed with a funny gene that makes me enjoy life.
I am just a cupcake looking for a stud muffin.
I am not trying to give an image of a fairytale, perfect, everything else, I am just being myself.
I am so open-minded, my brains will fall out someday.
I do not exist to impress the world. I exist to live my life in a way that will make me happy.
I don’t have two different personalities. I am what I am.
I don’t like myself, I’m crazy about myself.
I feel sorry for people who don‘t know me.
facebook intro

I like my coffee how I like myself: Dark, bitter, and too hot for you.
I made my Facebook name “Benefits,” so when you add me now it says “you’re friends with benefits.”
I really am ruggedly handsome, aren’t I?
I really don’t need to explain myself. I know I’m right.
I will not lose, for even in defeat, there’s a valuable lesson learned, so it evens up for me.
I wish Facebook would notify me when someone deletes me. That way I could ‘Like’ it.
I won’t change – I was ‘being grown’ and not being adjusted to the opinion of the others.
I’m afflicted with Awesome. There’s no curing it.
I’m everything you want but can’t have.
I’m just busy being myself.
I’m not afraid of dying, I’m afraid of not trying.
I’m not ashamed to be me. What’s wrong with being unique?
I’m not going to change; I’m very stubborn in this way. I am what I am.
I’m not shy, I’m holding back my awesomeness so I don’t intimidate you.
I’m one of a kind and I’m unique. Never forget that.
I’m wondering why logging onto Facebook has become a part of the everyday routine?… Do I really have nothing better to do!
I’m writing my autobiography on my Facebook account.
I’ve officially been diagnosed with OFCD (Obsessive Facebook Checking Disorder).
I have also been told that I am beyond cure. Please pray for me.

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